I'm so very ready for fall. It's my absolute favorite season. I love the cooler temperatures, the crisp snap in the air, the crunch of leaves, the smells of apple cider and pumpkin pie.
I did some very thorough end-of-summer cleaning this last weekend. Kyla's such a good girl. She helped Mommy scrub window screens!
When she took a break, Rowdy came over to give her a quick kiss, which was not so appreciated.
When I cleaned the floor, she got out her broom to help also!
Of course, life is not all work around our house.
Kyla got to spend some time with Daddy. I do believe she told him exactly how it is.
Who needs pants, even a shirt, when you have black patent leather shoes?
All of that hard work and hard play wears a girl out!
At the end of the day, don't forget to treasure those fleeting moments. Here's a last shot of Kyla sleeping next to her baby. Wow, those maternal insticts start young!