Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Box

What kid doesn't like a gigantic box?  So when a giant box showed up at the house a couple months ago, I thought I would let Kyla play with a while before it got tossed out with the trash.  She was thrilled, of course.  Then she asked if she could sleep in it that night.  At first I was going to say no like any proper mother.  Then, I thought, "Well, what could it hurt?  It's Friday night."

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sam's Club vs. Wal-Mart

I have been on a quest to feed my family in the most cost- and time-efficient manner possible.  I have thought long and discussed much the idea of once-a-month grocery shopping.  I am hoping to make it a reality in time...once my new pantry is finished and I have space to put everything!

Along the way, I began questioning how much exactly a person actually saved by buying things (often in bulk and always in name brand) at Sam's Club.  I decided to find out.

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